Thursday, 12 February 2009
Experience of travelling alone
Friday, 6 February 2009
COPS assault a six year old
Let me start off with just a small introduction about me. I am Charanya S. I am a graduate and in the recent times I’ve developed interest in freelance writing.
With that small introduction, let me start off by sharing my views regarding a news article that I came across.

I was going through one of the news articles on the web a few days back and was shocked to watch one of the videos that was being flashed. I was shocked to see that a 6 year old girl was being beaten up by cops who had picked her up on the allegations that she had stolen money from her neighbourhood. It was even more shocking to learn about the fact that everything was happening in public and it was being shot by a cameraman belonging to a news channel.
My question here is that when the media claim to have every right to publicize these issues for public viewing (more often to increase their TRP rates), is it not their moral responsibility to have tried to stop the policemen who were involved in beating up the child? They were trying to sensationalize the fact that there were other cops near the arrogant cops, who were mere on-lookers. Where would these media people categorize themselves to be? Aren't they a part of the public? When will the media try to stop sensationalizing stories before trying to act in a situation where it is needed? After all policemen are human beings. They are no God. I do agree that in some situations the media sensationalism have helped the members of the public to know about the happenings such as this very situation, wherein, the cops who were involved were punished for their brutal acts. Although, it is still hurting to know that no first hand step was taken in stopping those policemen from beating up the child.
Coming to the policemen, shouldn't they have acted responsibly in public instead of trying to portray themselves to be superior that too with a 6 yr old kid? What were they trying to prove to the public? I do agree that they were trying to help the public. But does that mean that they can do anything? These kind of acts just lessen the faith that a common man has in the police force. I would like to share one of my friends' personal experiences to convey how some policemen set a bad example. My friend had applied for her passport. As a routine verification, a policeman had come to her house for verification purpose. All the details that were requested for was furnished before him and when asked whether he needed anything else, a demand of Rs.500 was put forth in front her. She was shocked and asked him why she had to pay him, for which the reply was that if she dint pay the amount, then she might end up not receiving her passport... She dint have that much amount with her and gave him only Rs.250. The policeman said that this amount was not enough for him to please his superiors and left at one point saying that it might take a longer time for her to receive the passport. She received it 4 months after that incident.
How can the policemen indulge in such acts? Don't they set a wrong example in front of the public? Aren't they responsible in eradicating bribery from the society? How will a common man go and lodge a complaint against those who commit crime? Why are such cases ever happening? Why is there no discipline? When will all this end and when can we boast ourselves saying that we are in a corruption-free environment???Or are we just sitting , questioning and pointing fingers towards others without trying to take any step forward against corruption?
Pl post ur comments and views on this article to help me come up with better ones.... J
Take care... see ya’ll soon .