Thursday, 28 May 2009

Indian Politicians! -Would like to see these in you

The state of Indian politics with so many parties trying to make hay when the sun is shining and the politicians belonging to the parties trying to pull each others' legs for  a seat in the newly formed govt.,  has kindled a lot of thoughts in me. What does a political party consists of? A bunch of politicians who get along with other politicians when their requests are satisfied and ditch them when it is not happening the way they wanted it to happen. Do we have the right set of people representing us? Got no clue about that. But, following are some of the things which I would like to see in the politicians.

  • Young leaders leading the nation from front. The older ones paving way for the younger generation to lead the nation and guide them rather than distributing the positions among the older ones. ----E.g. With the new govt taking in-charge the average age of the ministers very high. The youngest being 28 yrs of age and oldest being 77. Agreed that the older generation is experienced. But how long will they be able to govern? There are not many youngsters coming forward to take politics as a career option. Isn't this is a bad sign? Shouldn't they be taught to take responsibilities?
  • Selfless leaders who don't take up personal grudges to the public but serve the people who elected them. ----   Aren't the politicians elected by us? Shouldn't they be made accountable for the happenings in the country. Rather than addressing a common man's problem in his/her own constituency, why are dramas being staged like indefinite fasts and a separate states' requests for people whom they have never cared for before the elections?
  • Educated politicians who would be able to understand the scenario and act accordingly.--- There should be qualifying examinations for a person to become a politician and those who don't qualify those exams should not be allowed to join politics.
  • Politicians who run family politics must be thrown out of power.--- The parties to which they belong should be made invalid. This would allow other eligible politicians to come into power. Those politicians who bargain seats for their family members should be made to publicly made to disown their ticket that they are already holding.
  • Policians are comman men. They are representatives of the people. ---- All the politicians should be barred from using govt. vehicles at the cost of tax payers'. They should be made to use their own vehicles for transport. There should be treated as a common man's representative and be given the same treatment as any other common man in public places like temples and in public gatherings.
  • All the politicians should be made to confess their earnings every quarter, rather than declaring their earnings and properties, before filing their nominations.--- The politicians who intend to contest in the elections should be made to publicly confess their properties every quarter. Though this might have some defaulters, with most of the properties in the names of binomees, mere eye washes at the time of elections can be avoided.
  • Political parties dealing with religious beliefs and castes should be banned.--- This would do a great help to the public as many riots can be avoided. There should not be any religion or caste based reservations for which the politicians raise their voices.  They have to be taught about equal rights for all. 
  • Political parties coming into power every five years should be made to elect a representative for a  debate in public before elections and then people should be made to judge based on that.
  • Politicians who are suspected to have committed mistakes should be given a stipulated time to prove that they are innocent.--- Guilty until proven innocent, they should be stripped off their position and rights. If they are not able to prove that they are innocent, then they should not be given a ticket to contest in the future. If this is not done, cases against them get dragged on for years and in those years, with their political influences, they are freed from all the charges against them.
  • The contracts bagged by the govt(politicians) should be read out in public and the public should be made aware of the processes and the money spent at each and every level.

On goes the list of what I want my country's politicians to possess . Am I expecting too much out of my elected bodies? I don't think so. But, if it is the case, then democracy doesn't have any meaning in our country is it not? 


  1. in short,,u like what rahul gandhi is doing..denying a cabinet berth and working for the "future" of the country and ofcourse the "future" of the party..

    start PCET(politics CET).

    "Politicians who run family politics must be thrown out of power"--immpossible...

    "debate in public "---i think..IPL was better

  2. Politics CET entrance test is not a bad idea at all when all other professions need a CET.
    I never said that I liked what Rahul Gandhi was doing.
    regarding the debate --- None knows anything. While debating, atleast the members of the public will be able to judge who is bad than the worse :P

  3. There are not many schools for political sciences in India compared to more developed countries. The first and foremost thing in Indian politics or for tht instance in any field is corruption. And politicians being treated as a common man is impossible coz he/she has to have security for sure.. after all he is representing so many people...
    And ya India should have a lot more educated politicians or young politicians who have a very gud degree....
