I have been thinking about the God and related stuff for quite sometime now. With a husband who claims to be an atheist, I have had no choice but to defend the existence of the God every time we had an argument relating to the rituals and related sentiments associated cropped up. One day a friend suggested that we watch this Hindi movie called "Oh My God". The concept of God and theism and related issues were portrayed very neatly.
The God! - You exist according to me. But where, how, in what form, I have no idea. I was told that you are a super power and lived elsewhere called Heaven. I have also been told that you are the creator and the destroyer. A sense of fear has always prevailed around your existence,Dear Lord! And people have learnt to exploit it.
As I grew up, however, I learnt a few things which I want to share with you God.
When you created this world, according to the mythologies (not considering Darwin's theory of Evolution), you also created some creatures with different levels of sensory. You created this creature called "HUMANS", who without any doubt, have been considered superior(of course according to them) . We creatures have since then been trying to over power every being in this world including the humans ourselves.
One such tactics, My God, is using you as a tool and discriminating thy fellows. Some ancestors of ours, had created religions and each religion has had a set of rules to follow. They have also created a lot of sub sects to discriminate fellow human beings in the name of caste, colour and creed and what not. They did not forget to create a fear amongst others stating that if the rules were not followed properly to satisfy you, My God, then they would have to face your wrath. How crooked isn't it??
People have grown to be God Fearing rather than God Loving.We are having people in the name of Gurus to exploit our ignorance about you, God. We have learnt to discriminate fellow humans in the name of caste, calling them untouchables, etc. failing to remember the fact that all of us are equal in your eyes. You dint teach us to waste food items rather taught us to share even the little that we had with everyone. But, We have created our own rules and have been preaching to ardently bargain things in the form of offerings like milk, curd and other edible items, with you. We have started to do business with you. You have also been offered a part of a share in many of our businesses. You taught us to live in harmony with nature, but all we are doing is in the name of protecting you, is to kill ourselves and steal other creatures' offerings and waste them. We humans have even gone to the extent of killing each other in the name of protecting the so called castes and associated rituals which are purely man-made. We have forgotten all your preaching in the Gita, the Bible and the Quran.
God is one for everyone. I see you as Ganesha, someone else sees you as Allah and someone else as Jesus and much more. The concept of "Thattvamasi" which says that the God is in you and everywhere has been forgotten. God, you are in me, in him, in them and everywhere. God, when I was a child, I went to bal-vikas where I was taught that a man attains godly nature when he has renounced the worldly pleasures. They are Kama,Krodha,Lobha,Moha,Madha,Maascharyam! But I don't see anyone knowing or wanting to understand it. Rather, to follow blind folded in the name of fear. All I see is people wanting to protect you in the name of protecting religions and associated activities. We have forgotten that you are responsible for everything! Good Lord
If only people understood these, this world would have been a better place to live. Is that why, you chose not appear before us nor interfere in these nor bother to justify your existence and chose to happily enjoy in then Heaven??? I see. I get your point! :)
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