to say that I want to stay ethical and true to my conscious? Is it wrong to say that I don't want to cheat? Will looking at commercial aspects alone help? I agree to the point that one has to look into the money part as well. Thank God I am not in a position where I am forced to earn my bread. People just mock at me saying that I am a loser because I am talking nonsense in stating that my personal ethics doesn't allow me to cheat nor fake around. They say that I am not looking at the bigger picture. Is money alone the sole thing that takes one to places? Is it enough if I have that alone? People also complain that I am losing the opportunities only because I am not ready to cheat. My question to all these people is will one's conscious not prick for cheating and faking experience to enter a company? Even if I enter the company today what is the guarantee that I wont be caught and black listed later? Will these people come as saviours when that day arrives.
Leaving all these aside, what frustrates me is that I have all the qualifications that are needed to get the job. I deserve it but for the gap in my career. I am told that I would surely land up in the job that I am looking for, if I put a fake experience. But why should I, is my question to them. Why cant people consider genuine cases like mine?I understand that exceptions can never become rules. However, they can be considered at times. Why is it that I am being targeted for no fault of mine? I have proved that am an eligible candidate and still am facing all these.
All these have been racked because I am so disappointed. I was called for an interview today just to check whether I was ready to fake my CV so that the consultant could forward mine to one of the major MNC's . When He started this 'FAKE' word, I abruptly stopped him and said that I was not for it and if I had wanted I would have done it myself.Why him for that? He started giving GYAN regarding the commercial world and how I should be prepared to pay people. He said that I was not fit enough to fight this battle. Today I have money and I will pay. What about others who have genuine reason for a break and not have money to pay? Will they still demand so much? Is it only about money everywhere?
I am puzzled and taken aback by all these crappy money matters. I am forced to think whether Professional Ethics prevails at all if there is one. All this is because I have come across more than one in the last few days' time. I am becoming skeptical about everything these days. Will there be a change? While typing these, a sudden thought arises in me. Why should I bother about what people say who don't matter to me at all? At this point, I vow to myself that I will stay true to my conscious and show the world I can excel in any field that I get into. And a day will arrive when I give it back to these guys and expose their fraudulent acts.
Hoping that there would soon come a day when these kind of acts come to an end, I am counting the days for the new year and a new beginning.
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