Hello world,
Back after a hiatus.. Wonderful and joyful period this has been for I've become a mother and this 1 year period has been full of new experiences, great surprises all together changing me into a new person.
Last year On 15th March, I found out that I was pregnant. The funniest part was that my husband and I had just then spoken to both our parents not to pester us about having a kid for the next few years' time. It was not even a month after that we discovered about the pregnancy. Felt a little embarrassed however it came as a big surprise and took me to another world of joy. Those 10 months' period that I bore the baby were full of joy and anticipation of what would be the sex of the baby, how it would be like to hold a baby in my arms, the anxiety about the wellness of the baby and what not. Everything started revolving around bearing the unborn child in mind. Never knew it could be so until I actually went through the process.
It amazes me how an egg forms into an embryo and then to a fetus in a dark small bag called uterus. Science might have advanced. However, it still cannot find out whether the baby is forming well with all its parts intact and is also properly growing.
That said, It was predicted by one and all that I would give birth to a baby boy. So I started imagining a figure of a baby boy and planned to name him Arav. My husband and I were both happy to welcome the gift of our lives and decided that we would be happy with any child be it a girl or a boy. However we also asked people to bless us that we would have a girl child as we both felt that we can buy more stuff for girls when compared to boys. We both are shoppoholics :-). Days went by counting as we neared the finale. Btw, we were told that I might give birth on any day During the middle of Nov, other factors intact.
We realized the worth of the precious gift on July 2. Not that we didn't realize it less earlier. It was more special b'cos of an incident that happened. I was being bombarded by gifts from all quarters for becoming pregnant and one such gifts was gold ornaments that my husband and my mother wanted to buy for me. We visited one of the shops in t nagar and crowded place it is as always suffocated me and I started to develop severe cramps in my stomach and wanted to know if everything was alright. Only when we realized that everything was normal after a check up did we understand that more was at stake than we actually had imagined.
We became very cautious about our travel and eagerly awaited the day of the new arrival. In the mean time we had this routine functions like valaikappu and seemantham performed for the baby's well being.
It was a wonderful period as I was receiving more and more kicks from my little ones. What a joy to actually feel those kicks! My baby was actually hyper active and was almost always playing. The doctor was once surprised to see that the baby was having the legs crossed and happily enjoying when sonogram was being performed during one of the routing check ups. W were so excited to see our little ones growing and moving in that small area day by day. Moreso the aniticipation of the sex of the baby was also growing. We almost decided on Arav's dresses on the first day of his arrival. Btw, Arav was arrived at from both my husband's and my names.
Came November and everybody around started to predict in how many day's time I would deliver the baby. In the mean time I had my routine check-ups done and was told by the doctor that it didn't seem that the baby was descending and that I might cross the predicted Date of delivery. She asked whether we wanted to know the sex of the baby now that it was fag end of the pregnancy and i would deliver any time. We politely denied though we said that our strong intuition was a baby boy.Finally, as I crossed the predicted date, the doctor asked me to get admitted in order to artificially induce the labour pain.
I was in labour for two days' time to finally deliver the baby via an emergency ceaserean section to find the biggest surprise of my life that the baby was girl. Ashu @ Riya V Kashyap arrived on 20-11-2011 and has since been the center of all our lives.
More on how I coped during the pregnancy period and what are the dos and dont's are to follow in the next post :-)
C ya all.. Love
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